Yep... if you want to succeed, check yourself for these things that will sabotage you every time.
1. Not having a goal.Do you even know what you really want? This isn't a pie in the sky idea, this is YOUR life! What do you want? You only get one you know. Think about that. You will never get to re-do today. What are you wasting your time for? How many times have you had the thought that you wish something in your life was different?If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. It's time to quit thinking about it and make some goals. Even if it is a small one... get started!
2. Excuses.When you make excuses, you're only hurting yourself. We all do it, but try to become more aware of it. The only reason that you don't get something done, is because you've decided to do something else PERIOD. Really... thats it. Your priority was not doing what you said you wanted to. Here is the other thing about excuses... when you have a reason why you you couldn't get something done, you transfer ALL of the power you have to that thing.
3. Doubt.Have you ever thought about something you would love to have, do, achieve, or become, and then the next thought was "Who am I to do that?" or "What do I think I need that for?" or "What would people think of me if..." Doubt and Worry are the two things that will kill your dreams every time. You are in charge of you, and that means that you are in charge of your thoughts. Flip those questions around. "I am great and can achieve anything I set my mind to." "I can have anything I desire." "I don't care what other's think, this is my life, not anyone else." My advice: Stop doubting, and start believing.
4. Letting others set your goals for you.This is one that I am so guilty of. What do my parents want me to do, what does Ryan want me to do, what should I do as a mom, or what is that person doing? Girl (or guy) knock that off right now. Didn't we just learn that this is YOUR life. Yeah, we need to be conscious of how our actions affect others, but don't let anyone else ever tell you what you should want or what you can do. That's their beliefs, don't adopt them.
5. Not taking action.Seriously, what in the heck are you waiting for? Get going. If you make a baby set everyday towards your goal, you will get closer and closet to it. However, if you don't, you will never get there. Sometimes we get into action and think that we aren't getting anywhere, then all of a sudden all of these things come together quickly. It's because you were in action. So really... stop waiting around, stop thinking about it, get up- make a choice and get into action!