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3 Steps to Actually Achieving the Success You Want

As coaches, we've helped clients transform their lives in so many ways. We've supported them in many different ways and showed them what was really possible, and everyone asks us "How are you able to actually help them create success?" Well, today we are going to give you some tips!

First, you have to define what success means to you!

Grab pen and paper and start a brain dump essentially of what success truly means to you. Some people see success as having a ton of money, while others see success as being able to live a simpler life with less hustle and bustle. Neither is right or wrong, it's what feels good to you.

But if you're not clear on what that is, how are you ever going to achieve it?

You wouldn't drive cross country on a road trip without a map or your GPS so when it comes to creating the success you need to create a clear roadmap of where you're headed.

An easy way to get super clear is to start by asking yourself "What does a successful day look like?" and write out from the moment you wake up and the moment you go to sleep what that looks like and then go a step further and write out what it FEELS like. The feeling you want to feel will actually help you hold yourself accountable more than any roadmap!

Then repeat the same exercise but do it in a broader way... "What does a successful LIFE look like?".

When you get clear on the questions to these answers, you've taken your first step towards success.

Second, focus on action!

You're super clear on where you're going but just like the old saying says "A goal without a plan is just a dream.".

Ok so - now you know what you’re striving for, it’s time to take action!

A great way to really see what needs to change is by asking yourself "What needs to change in order to wake up every day and have a successful day?". Then walk through that successful day that you wrote out previously and see what needs to change!

So not only do you have the roadmap to WHAT you're trying to create, you'll have a clear action list of what needs to change.

And remember, only you can create the life you want and if nothing changes, nothing changes.

Lastly, be consistent(ish)!

Consistency is key in anything, but some people like to take it to the extreme. I can say from experience that you'll be much happier and still see results even if you follow the 80/20 rule.

Think about it this way, if you go to the gym 3 days a week consistently for months you're going to see some type of result.

You'll also see results if you go 5 days a week consistently.

Will the results be different? Potentially. But either way, you're moving the needle. When it comes to business and creating a life of freedom you have to look at it as a marathon and not a sprint. So be sure to not beat yourself up if you don't do the things every single day. You want to focus on finding what feels good to you when it comes to consistency!


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