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Ryan's Top reads!
Ryan shares with you his favorite books for enjoyment, health, and mindset!
Mindset over matter
Since March, the world has been in a state of fear and panic... rightfully so, if you ask me. The media is having a hay day, politicians...
What Brittney Can't Do
My name is Therese, and I write books where I tell the honest truth about things that fascinate me. Usually along the lines of “what did...
From Ryan: Treat your life like a project.
enjoy building projects, and so does my wife Brittney. She always has the idea for something new she wants to create, and I make the list...
The little moments are what matter.
Yesterday I was so sick... like sicker than I have been in a LOOONG time! I woke up at 5am and was sick on and off all day and night... I...
What's actually important.
Do any of you other mama's out there stay up too late because it's your only quiet time? Then you wake up, tired, and hating that you...
Who is deciding?
Today is our official back to school day! Our oldest, Ava (7) , is starting 2nd grade! We stayed up last night a little extra because she...
How to: Sabotage your goals.
Yep... if you want to succeed, check yourself for these things that will sabotage you every time. 1. Not having a goal.Do you even know...
When motivation isn't there.
Motivation: The "thing" that gets us started. The thing that quickly goes away when life happens. The myth is that we think it has to be...
Take the shackles off
This morning I got back to a place that I have not been for a while. I write and post often about waking up before your kids to have time...
Tips for starting your day strong
Scenario 1: Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze, it goes off again and you roll out of bed and realize you are already behind...
This was a thought that went through my mind all of the time. "What do they think of me? Will they like my choice? Are they judging me?"...
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